After a busy schedule of mission groups this summer, we took the first week of August as a time of special celebration for our Alex's House Family-Beach Camp 2014! The excitement started weeks ago when flyers were posted announcing camp. Everyone hurried around to get the details of the upcoming event. You could hear children reading the details out loud then running to tell their brothers and sisters the news.
We spent Monday and Tuesday at a camp site in Pierre Payen. Each day we had an interactive Bible story, craft time, and recreation. The children studied creation and the effects of sin; they made pouches to carry fish and loaves from the story of Jesus feeding the 5000; and they played many games including jump rope races.
To end each day of camp, we spent time playing in the ocean. The big kids swam out to stand on the barrier and the littles splashed in the shallow end with beach toys.
On Thursday, we invited our friends from Pastor Louissant's Orphanage in Barboncourt to a day camp at our house. They were greeted at the door by our whole family singing "bienvenue a tout"- welcome us all. We sang together and opened in prayer. The Alex's House children gave our visitors a tour of our home, then we started our program.
We moved between four stations-Bible story, craft, creation book, recreation- and made it until almost the very end with all groups still intact! Each of the stations were led by Alex's House children. Our kids did a PHENOMENAL job of leading. They took their task to heart and did an excellent job of teaching our friends.
We headed back to Pierre Payen on Friday for our final day of beach camp. It was a joyous time of singing together, learning more about our Savior and having fun as a family. Everyone-kids and adults- had a wonderful time at camp. A special thank you to the Howard family for coming and leading Beach Camp 2014! Here's a final photo of us all enjoying our last day of camp.