Monday, March 26, 2012

Hope Community Church Vision Trip

Thank you to Jonathan Bailes from Hope Community Church for this blog entry.
I don’t know quite how to put into words the impact this trip made on my life. Our church sent Justin Ross and me down on a preview a trip prior to sending a large group down at a later date. I didn’t know what to expect when I got on the ground in Haiti. It is busy, it smells different, and it seems like there is very little structure, but once there for any amount of time you find that the lack of structure is Haiti’s structure.

After getting off the plane and meeting Bill, Jimmy, and Patrick we headed to Alex’s House. The kids were waiting with great anticipation at the door as we arrived. As soon as we stepped foot in the house we were overwhelmed with the most loving welcome from the kids. We spent a great deal of time holding, playing, and enjoying their smiles and laughter. After enjoying some ice cream with the kids we headed to the airport to pick up the other groups. We spent a total of 5 days in country. The images of Haiti can never be erased from my mind or heart. I could write many stories of things that happened on the trip, but I would like to share some truths God taught me while I was there.

He taught me first that I trust safety more than I trust Him. In the Untied States if you get sick or injured, you can go directly to the hospital and get treatment. In Haiti a hospital is usually a great distance away and money is required to receive treatment. For believers in Haiti, their complete trust in Him for everything is evident. If they get sick or injured their first response is to pray to the Father. I can’t say that has always been the case for me. Often times my first response is finding a worldly cure for my problem. God forgive me for trusting the safety of the world more than I trust you.

When I returned from my trip, many people asked me how safe it was in Haiti. At first that question irritated me, but I realized that I asked the same question before I left for Haiti. I learned that God will send us places that are “unsafe” and following Him whether it is to Haiti, Kenya, Honduras or Eastern Kentucky requires our complete trust in Him. In fact, he sends us places that we could die in His name. This would be the greatest honor of a Christian’s life. In death there is life.

I would like to thank Bill, Jimmy, and Patrick for all they do to see heaven come to earth. I truly believe that when I was in Alex’s House and around each of them I got to see a glimpse of heaven. Bill has a heart like I have never seen for the people of Haiti. It is an honor to serve with and alongside him. Jimmy and Patrick are two of the most inspiring people I have ever met. They follow Jesus at all costs, and for that I am grateful. They are friends and brothers of mine for life. I am so thankful that they all followed the vision God gave them! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Operation Sweet Dreams!

Operation Sweet Dreams kicked off yesterday and we already have 19 beds for the kids at Alex's House in Kalico! 

Over the course of 30 days we are working to raise enough support to purchase 56 beds... only 37 beds left after just ONE DAY!
Groups and individuals - consider supporting Operation Sweet Dreams and Alex's House!

DETAILS: 56 beds at $150.00 each (includes materials/supplies for beds, mattress, coverings, pillows, and sheets) within 30 days! 

All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible! 
Make checks payable to Alex’s House and put “Operation Sweet Dreams” on a sticky note attached to the check. Mail to 211 Huckleberry Lane, Lexington, SC 29072!
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Hobbs

Monday, March 12, 2012

We Have A Bus!

Praise the Lord for His protection!!
On Saturday, Jimmy and Patrick returned safely from a trip to the Dominican Republic where they picked up our bus.  On the journey home, the southern boarder was closed due to rioting, so they had to extend their travel by a days journey and travel to the northern boarder crossing in Dajabon. 

Along the journey they suffered corrupt bureaucracy at the boarder, were robbed at knife point and had to navigate several street riots. Praise the Lord that through all this, He kept them safe. 

One of the greatest ironies of this journey is that the machete wielding thug that robbed them - once he had taken their money - jumped on the bus and escorted them through two other areas where the streets were blocked... because "he didn't want them to be robbed again."  Praise  the Lord for a "sympathetic" criminal.   

Thank you again to Pleasant View Baptist in Oakland, MD for donating funds for our bus.  This will be a great blessing to our groups as we travel. And praise the Lord for His protection.